Wind Loading

Wind loads are forces exerted by wind on a structure. They depend on the local wind conditions and on the shape and surface characteristics of the building.

As local wind conditions are difficult to predict accurately, wind loads are generally calculated using the simplified methods given by building engineering codes and standards, such as the European Eurocode [1]. When the building shape and terrain conditions are too complex to be taken into account using the methods given by the Eurocode, Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) methods provide a powerful tool for predicting wind flows over buildings.

BuildWind is specialized in wind loading assessment through CFD simulation and wind tunnel test in agreement with Eurocode [1] [2] .

Eurocode states:
In supplement to calculations wind tunnel tests and proven and/or properly validated numerical methods may be used to obtain load and response information, using appropriate models of the structure and of the natural wind.

Computational Fluid Dynamics offers an alternative/support to wind tunnel testing to calculate wind loads on buildings of any shape and dimension. By producing full 3D maps of pressure and velocity values, CFD allows to understand and interpret the wind flow characteristics around buildings and to identify critical locations or features, often providing relevant information useful to eliminate or mitigate undesired effects of wind on structures. 

Wind Tunnel

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