- Pallares, J., Fabregat A., Lavrinenko, A., Marques, N., Santos, B., Mosca, G., Obando Vega, P., et al., Computational fluid dynamics challenge on indoor dispersion of pathogen-laden aerosols, Physics of Fluids Vol. 37, Issue 2, Feb 2025.
- Srikumar, S.K.R., Mosca, G., Gambale, A., A combined CFD and ML based approach to perform a feasibility study of wind energy harvesting in the vicinity of the built environment using medium-sized wind turbines, 18th International Conference of the Italian Association for Wind Engineering, 8-11 Sept 2024, Pisa, Italy.
- Tsionas, I., Llaguno-Munitxa, M. and Stephan, A., Srikumar, S.K.R., Mosca, G., Gambale, A., Assessment of the environmental effects of deploying small wind turbine in cities. WSBE24, June 12-14 2024.
- Vega, P. J. O., Lucesoli, A., Mosca, G., Giulietti, R. A., D’Errico, M. M., & Gambale, A. (2024). Conversion of a regular patient room to negative pressure at Ancona university hospital (Italy). A combined experimental and numerical investigation. Building and Environment, 111557.
- Raghunathan Srikumar, S., Mosca, G., Gambale, A., Parente, A., A CFD-based surrogate modeling approach for pedestrian wind comfort assessment. ERCOFTAC – Machine Learning for Fluid Dynamics, 6-8 March 2024, Paris, France.
- Li, H., Cotteleer, L., Gambale, A., Parente, A., A Reduced-Order Modeling Framework for Atmospheric Boundary Layer Flows modelling combining dimensionality reduction and Bayesian regression. ERCOFTAC – Machine Learning for Fluid Dynamics, 6-8 March 2024, Paris, France.
- Raghunathan Srikumar, S., Cotteleer, L., Mosca, G., Gambale, A., Parente, A., Application of a comprehensive atmospheric boundary layer model to a realistic urban-scale wind simulation. Building and Environment. 2024, February 22: 111330.
- D’Errico, M., et al., Airborne infection room retrofitting (AIRR). AIIC Awards 2023, Abstracts book, Supplement to Tecnica Ospedaliera n. 10, December 2023, page 70, abstract 137.
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- Gambale, A., Raghunathan Srikumar, S., Mosca, G., Tsionas, I., Llaguno-Munitxa, M., Stephan, A., A data-driven surrogate model framework based on CFD simulations to accelerate wind energy yield assessment. ICWE 16, Florence, Italy. 2023, August 27-31.
- Raghunathan Srikumar, S., Mosca, G., Cotteleer, L., Parente, A., Gambale, A., CFD-based investigation of air quality in urban areas: A case study in Brussels, Belgium. ICWE 16, Florence, Italy. 2023, August 27-31.
- Nixarlidis, C., Cotteleer, L., Gambale, A., De Troyer, T., Parente, A., Dimensionality Reduction for Pollutant Forecasting on a Real Urban Area Test Case. ICWE 16, Florence, Italy. 2023, August 27-31.
- Nixarlidis, C., Cotteleer, L., Gambale, A., De Troyer, T., Parente, A., Dimensionality Reduction for Pollutant Forecasting on a Real Urban Area Test Case. M2P 2023, Taormina, Italy. 2023, June 1.
- Srikumar, S.K.R., Mosca, G., Tsionas, I., Llaguno-Munitxa, M., Stephan, A. and Gambale, A., A Computational Fluid Dynamics based framework to assess the wind energy potential of an urban landscape: A case study in Brussels. No. EGU23-15617. Copernicus Meetings. 2023, April 23-28.
- Bellegoni, M., Cotteleer, L., Srikumar, S.K.R., Mosca, G., Gambale, A., Tognotti, L., Galletti, C. and Parente, A., An extended SST k−ω framework for the RANS simulation of the neutral Atmospheric Boundary Layer. Environmental Modelling & Software, 160, p.105583. 2023, February.
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- De Harenne C. et al., Prediction of the location of infectious droplets and aerosols in a patient intensive care room. European Congress of Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases, Lisbon, Portugal. 2022, April 23-26.
- Obando Vega P. et al., Application of computational fluid dynamics simulation to hospital room design to simultaneously predict air quality, airborne pathogen infection risk, and energy efficiency. European Healthcare Design 2022, London, England. 2022, June 13-15.
- Gambale, A., Mosca, G., Gremmo, S., Mesh generation for building Aerodynamics: challenges, best practices and lessons learned. MASCOT 2018 conference, Rome (Italy). 2018, October 2-5.