Wind-induced noise assessment of a new development in Belgium
BuildWind was asked by the Client to perform a Computational Fluid Dynamics wind study aimed at assessing the wind-induced noise for a tower building in Belgium. The study was focused on predicting in the worst-case scenarios the noise generated by the wind interaction with the building and perceived at the windows.

Comparative CFD analysis of NIFCA AIRFLOW ventilation configurations in a Sibari clinic
BuildWind conducted a CFD study to assess airflow and thermal comfort under realistic conditions in a Sibari clinic’s operating theatre equipped with the NIFCA AIRFLOW system. The study compared two ventilation setups: recirculation on the ceiling (case A) versus recirculation on the corners of the room (case B).

Sun shading assessment of a tower building
BuildWind carried out a sun shading assessment for a new proposed building development in Belgium. The study evaluated the potential shading impact of a tower building on neighboring outdoor areas, in particular on terraces and gardens. The analysis utilized simulation tools to project shadow paths and assess their impact on outdoor usability, vegetation, and overall sunlight access.
The shading effect of the tower building was assessed in terms of solar exposure and solar irradiation reduction with respect to a situation without the tower building.

Comparative CFD analysis of NIFCA AIRFLOW ventilation configurations in a Taranto hospital
BuildWind conducted a Computational Fluid Dynamics study on an operating theatre in Taranto, equipped with the NIFCA AIRFLOW system, to evaluate airflow and thermal comfort in compliance with ISO 7730 under realistic operating conditions. Two ventilation system configurations were compared: one with ceiling recirculation (case A), and one with corner recirculation (case B).

Operating theatre with NICFA AIRFLOW system
Airflow, air cleanliness and thermal comfort assessment
BuildWind conducted a Computational Fluid Dynamics study aimed at evaluating the airflow, air cleanliness level through smoke tests according to the ISO 14644 standard, and thermal comfort in compliance with ISO 7730 for an operating theatre in a private clinic in Lucca, equipped with the NICFA AIRFLOW system.

Innovative NICFA AIRFLOW diffuser in Padova
Air cleanliness assessment
BuildWind conducted a Computational Fluid Dynamics study aimed at evaluating the airflow and air cleanliness level through smoke tests according to the ISO 14644 standard for a hybrid operating room in a pediatric unit in Padova, equipped with a Siemens biplane and an innovative NICFA AIRFLOW diffuser. The analysis was focused on finding the optimal configuration able to maximize the air cleanliness.

Tower building in Hasselt
Wind comfort and noise assessment
Computational Fluid Dynamics simulation was used to assess the wind comfort and safety on balconies and terraces in compliance with the Dutch norm NEN 8100, and the wind noise induced by mesh cladding for a tower building in Hasselt.

CFD analysis of NICFA AIRFLOW ventilation system for an operating theatre in Rome
BuildWind was commissioned by NICFA to perform a Computational Fluid Dynamics study aimed at evaluating the airflow and thermal comfort of an operating room in Rome, equipped with the NICFA AIRFLOW ventilation system.

Phileole micro wind turbines on safety barrier
Performance assessment
The objective of this study commissioned by Phileole was to perform Computational Fluid Dynamics simulations aimed at assessing the performance and the installation feasibility of micro wind turbines on the safety barrier of a highway with car traffic.

NICFA AIRFLOW in Pisa hospital
Performance assessment, ISO 14644 compliant

Windmill in Ruiselede
Impact of new development on windmill

VIRTUOSO system in Torrette hospital (Ancona)
Ventilation system efficiency assessment

Wind comfort and safety assessment
Bucharest University Campus
Urban wind turbine feasibility study

Campus Drie Eiken
Wind comfort and safety at pedestrian level and on terraces

Performance of a triple-glazing system with variable heat transfer characteristics
BuildWind was asked by Sky-Walls to perform a study aimed at assessing the performance of their glazing solution by means of CFD simulation. The Sky-Walls system features a triple-glazing equipped with a series of fans in each cavity aimed at controlling the heat transfer characteristics.

Parc Stormy Impact of new buildings on wind turbine energy output
BuildWind was asked by Cenin Renewables Ltd to assess the impact of a set of proposed buildings on the performance of two wind turbine on the Parc Stormy site. The performance was evaluated in terms of predicted wind power and annual energy production (AEP) for the two wind turbines according to CFD simulations. The annual energy production (AEP) was calculated for each of the 12 wind directions from the power probability distribution curves according to the frequencies reported on meteorological data.
Fluid dynamic simulation of air flow in an office space with workers
Haseeb Ahmed is an American research-based artist who lives and works in Brussels, Belgium. He produces objects, installations and films. Ahmed integrates methodologies from the hard sciences into his art works. BuildWind was asked by Ahmed to perform a CFD simulation of an office space with workers for Pneuma In and Out (2020). Ahmed’s purpose is to render visible both the otherwise invisible air and labor conditions at stake in work environments, such as in an office space.
Mechelen Train Station
Aerodynamics and wind actions
International Finance Forum
Preliminary wind analysis
Les Docks
Wind of comfort and safety

Wind comfort and safety on a building terrace (France, confidential location)
Computational fluid dynamics is a powerful tool to investigate how wind affects particular areas of a building, such as terraces, balconies, passages, courtyards, in order to guarantee the appropriate level of comfort and safety. Engineers’ expertise is fundamental to identify the architectural elements which can have a significant role in the analysis of the airflow around and inside these areas. On the basis of accurate CFD results, BuildWind engineers are able to suggest innovative or convenient solutions to mitigate possible fluid dynamic issues.
Himalayan mountain hut
This study has been commissioned by Sara Gottardo, an architect based in Paris, for an international architectural competition. Participants were asked to submit clever and inventive proposals for a feasible and efficient Himalayan Mountain Hut to be positioned along any of the trekking trails in order to provide trekkers safe, comfortable and inviting lodgings. The core of this project is the dome. BuildWind performed simulations of the aerodynamics and heat transfer in order to assess the technical feasibility of the project.