Alessandro Gambale, CEO of BuildWind SRL
Alessandro Gambale holds a Master's Degree in Aerospace Engineering from "La Sapienza" University, Rome (Italy). He worked as a research engineer for the Von Karman Institute for Fluid Dynamics (Belgium), where he was involved in applied research projects dealing with microfluidics and environmental fluid dynamics. He later became a research and teaching assistant at UMONS University (Belgium), where he investigated advanced combustion techniques within a research program of the International Energy Agency. He co-founded BuildWind in 2018.
Alessandro Gambale holds a Master's Degree in Aerospace Engineering from "La Sapienza" University, Rome (Italy). He worked as a research engineer for the Von Karman Institute for Fluid Dynamics (Belgium), where he was involved in applied research projects dealing with microfluidics and environmental fluid dynamics. He later became a research and teaching assistant at UMONS University (Belgium), where he investigated advanced combustion techniques within a research program of the International Energy Agency. He co-founded BuildWind in 2018.
Gabriele Mosca, CTO of BuildWind SRL
Gabriele Mosca is a space engineer. He holds a Master’s degree in Space Engineering and a Master for graduate students in Space Transportation System from "La Sapienza" University (Italy), and a Ph.D. in Engineering Sciences and Technology from UMONS University (Belgium). He gained relevant professional experience in propulsion, combustion and fluid dynamics. His skills include the advanced use of 3D software, coding and process optimization. He co-founded BuildWind in 2018.
Gabriele Mosca is a space engineer. He holds a Master’s degree in Space Engineering and a Master for graduate students in Space Transportation System from "La Sapienza" University (Italy), and a Ph.D. in Engineering Sciences and Technology from UMONS University (Belgium). He gained relevant professional experience in propulsion, combustion and fluid dynamics. His skills include the advanced use of 3D software, coding and process optimization. He co-founded BuildWind in 2018.
Pedro Obando Vega, R&D Engineer
Pedro Obando holds a Master’s degree in Energy Engineering from Politecnico di Milano (Italy) and a Ph.D. in Engineering and Technology from Université Libre de Bruxelles (Belgium). He specializes in the modeling of complex turbulent flows, combustion phenomena and particle dispersion. His expertise encompasses the development, implementation and validation of customized CFD solutions.
Pedro Obando holds a Master’s degree in Energy Engineering from Politecnico di Milano (Italy) and a Ph.D. in Engineering and Technology from Université Libre de Bruxelles (Belgium). He specializes in the modeling of complex turbulent flows, combustion phenomena and particle dispersion. His expertise encompasses the development, implementation and validation of customized CFD solutions.
Sampath Kumar Raghunathan Srikumar, R&D Engineer
Sampath Kumar holds a Master's degree from Delft University of Technology, Delft (Netherlands) as an Aerospace Engineer, obtained in October 2019. Specifically he specialized in aerodynamics during his Master's and gained academic experience in Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) through projects involving turbulence modelling, multiphase flows. He worked as a research assistant in the wind energy department of TU Delft from June 2020 to April 2021 before joining BuildWind as a CFD Engineer in June 2021.
Sampath Kumar holds a Master's degree from Delft University of Technology, Delft (Netherlands) as an Aerospace Engineer, obtained in October 2019. Specifically he specialized in aerodynamics during his Master's and gained academic experience in Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) through projects involving turbulence modelling, multiphase flows. He worked as a research assistant in the wind energy department of TU Delft from June 2020 to April 2021 before joining BuildWind as a CFD Engineer in June 2021.
Alessandro Parente, Scientific Advisor
Alessandro Parente is a professor at ULB University, Aero-Thermo-Mechanics Department (Brussels, Belgium). He holds a Master's Degree and a Ph.D. in Chemical Engineering from University of Pisa (Italy). Main research interests are in the fields of turbulent combustion, reduced-order models, numerical simulation of the atmospheric boundary layer, validation and uncertainty quantification in computational fluid dynamics. He is author of over 150 scientific papers.
Alessandro Parente is a professor at ULB University, Aero-Thermo-Mechanics Department (Brussels, Belgium). He holds a Master's Degree and a Ph.D. in Chemical Engineering from University of Pisa (Italy). Main research interests are in the fields of turbulent combustion, reduced-order models, numerical simulation of the atmospheric boundary layer, validation and uncertainty quantification in computational fluid dynamics. He is author of over 150 scientific papers.