Wind Energy Brussels project

WEB (Wind Energy Brussels) Official Logo

The ambition of the Wind Energy Brussels project is the development of a holistic wind energy harvesting strategy for cities.

2 case studies are in progress in the Brussels Capital Region in order to identify the most suited areas to

  • maximize wind energy harvesting
  • minimize visual and noise impact
  • quantify the environmental impact using life cycle assessment (LCA)

We are currently developing UrbanWind.energy, an online data platform that provides accurate and reliable data for wind energy harvesting in cities. Users can quickly and easily access information about ideal locations for turbine installation, recommended turbine type and sizeannual energy outputvisualnoise and environmental impact to support their decision-making and design process.

We are constantly looking for new partners among municipalities, research entities and the industry to apply our wind simulation and analysis tools to other cities.
Contact us if you wish to know more.

Brussels - Northern District - Velocity field
Brussels - Northern District - Wind power density
Wind simulation Brussels 240N
Analysis of flat roof buildings - Brussels
BuildWind logo
UCLouvain logo
